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Popular Edplace Discount Codes
Discount | Discount Code Type | Times Used |
Educational Resources Subscription for £10 Per Month at Edplace | Voucher | 5 | 10% Off Orders at Edplace | Voucher | 10 | 45% off Parent’s Annual Subscription at Edplace | Voucher | 10 | Free Account for UK Teachers at Edplace | Voucher | 9 | 33% off Tutor’s Annual Subscription at Edplace | Voucher | 5 |
Helpful tips and questions about Edplace voucher codes
Shop at ED place
EdPlace is an online tutoring portal expertly designed to improve your children's grades. Explore thousands of resources, worksheets, assessments, and revision aids created by teachers and professional tutors in core subjects like English, math, and science.
With Edplace you can track your child's progress with lessons available from Key Stage 1 to 4, including vital material for SATs and GCSEs. Most importantly, EdPlace is a fun space designed to keep young learners coming back for more.
Furthermore, Ed place tailors the experience to your child's level, helping them gain confidence. The process of adding and updating their content never ends as they strive to provide the best resources for parents. The EdPlace team is cracked by tech heads, marketing gurus, numerologists, customer caregivers, and education experts.
At Ed place your kids can immerse themshelves in interactive worksheets, with videos and games and enjoy personalised learning to maximise engagement and outcomes. Along the way they'll earn badges and other exciting rewards to keep them motivated.
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FAQs about Edplace
How to save Money at Edplace?
Here are some great tips and tricks for additional money-saving tips and tricks in EdPlace:
- • With subscriptions starting at just £15 per month, subscribing to EdPlace is an absolute bargain compared to the cost of hiring a tutor - who can charge around £10 per hour. For a fraction of the cost, your child will receive a personalised learning programme full of fun, educational resources, progress at their own pace and significantly improve their grades.
- • Save up to 45% on your subscription by choosing an annual subscription instead of a monthly one. It's a great option if you're convinced about EdPlace after your trial and can see your child benefiting from the educational games and exercises throughout the year.
- • Sign up for the EdPlace newsletter to receive a free math packet filled with tips and instruction on tough topics like long division. You'll also unlock extra perks and more helpful tips, updates on the newest resources, and special offers.
- • Always visit and check Couponlike.co.uk for the latest discount codes and money-saving offers at EdPlace before completing your purchase.
- • Be sure to check the offers and discounts section of the EdPlace website for the latest offers and discounts.
- • Follow EdPlace on social media to keep up to date with new arrivals and offers.
- • Sign up to the Couponlike.co.uk newsletter for our latest weekly offers for brands like EdPlace and many more.
How can I apply my EdPlace discount code?
- Find the deal you want to redeem.
- Click on it and copy the promo code.
- Visit the EdPlace website.
- Choose your subscription.
- Click on 'subscribe now'.
- Create a free account.
- Fill in your billing information.
- Paste the Edplace discount code in the 'coupon or referral code' box.
- Click 'apply'.
- Complete the order and wait for the confirmation email from Ed place.
How do I assign an activity at Edplace?
Through the Parent account, you can browse and preview all the activities they have on the site. You can then select the ones you would like your child to do. To get started, you must assign the activity to your child's Student account.
How do I cancel my account at Edplace?
To cancel your account, log in as a parent and click on the "My Subscription" tab.
How do I upgrade to an annual subscription at Edplace?
To upgrade your subscription, log in to your account as a parent. Click on the tab labeled " My Subscription and you will now be taken to your subscription page. On your subscription page, at the top of the screen, you will see a red box labeled "Upgrade to an annual subscription".
Can I change my child's class at Edplace?
Changing your child's annual class is quick and easy. Click on My Subscriptions, which is located on the left side of the parent control panel on the home page. You will now be presented with the current subscription page. Under the subscription account, you will see the student's name and current plan. Next to it, in the package details, there will be a green box. Click on the black pencil which will take you to the student's edit page.